RWE tests innovative energy storage solution
Company starts power-to-gas plant with extremely high utilisation rate
Aug. 17, 2015 + + + NRW Minister of Economics Garrelt Duin: “This
process has potential to play a key role in the transformation of the
energy industry”
On Monday, RWE officially launched its
power-to-gas plant in the NRW location of Ibbenbüren. The state-of-the-art
plant is part of new system that, for the first time ever, links together
the supply of local electricity, natural gas and district heating. Any
superfluous electricity from renewable sources is converted into hydrogen
so it can be stored within the natural gas network. It can then be
recalled from there at a later date for use in electricity production that
boasts an extremely high utilisation rate. This power-to-gas process is
seen as one of the key technologies for tomorrow’s energy supply.
Many representatives from government, industry, the energy sector and the
scientific community came to Ibbenbüren to attend the official launch.
Prominent guests included Garrelt Duin, NRW Minister of Economics, Energy,
Industry, SMEs and the Skilled Trades, Dr Markus Pieper, member of the
European Parliament, the Mayor of Ibbenbüren, Heinz Steingröver and Dr
Heinrich Dornbusch, CEO of the NRW KlimaExpo initiative.
ultra-modern power-to-gas plant is further evidence of the fact that NRW
is the number one energy region in Germany. The option of storing excess
eco-power locally and later using it when it is needed is an innovative
and technological feat of the highest order. This process has potential to
play a key role in the transformation of the energy industry”, said NRW
Minister of Economics, Duin.
“Energy storage solutions will become
an essential element of our future electricity system, where, according to
German Government plans, in fifteen years’ time, renewable energy sources
will cover 50 percent of the country’s power needs – or almost double the
current rate. Our electricity grid will have to perform at an even higher
level than before to achieve this. Under these changed conditions, the
power-to-gas technology will be an exemplary solution, as it makes it
possible for us to respond immediately to fluctuating volumes of incoming
power” said Dr Arndt Neuhaus, CEO of RWE Deutschland.
“In order to
be able to pick up excess electricity from renewable sources onto our
grid, we need alternatives to conventional grid expansion methods. This
was the driving force behind our decision to embrace this new technology.
The hydrogen that is created by electrolysis can be stored and later used
to generate power. The benefit of this form of electricity storage is the
enormous infrastructure already offered by the natural gas network – which
has huge storage capacity and a high-performing network. But that is not
all – with a utilisation rate of 86 percent, this power-to-gas plant here
in Ibbenbüren is the most efficient of its kind in Germany”, said Dr
Joachim Schneider, CTO of RWE Deutschland.
“Hot on the heels of the
launch of the Grid4EU project – the intelligent distribution system not
far from here in the Münsterland location of Reken – this is a further key
step on the road to transformation of the European energy industry. It is
something the region can justifiably feel proud of”, added EU Member of
Parliament Dr Markus Pieper.
The Mayor of Ibbenbüren, Heinz
Steingröver was equally delighted: “We are very glad that RWE Deutschland
chose Ibbenbüren as the location for its power-to-gas plant, which makes
us part of an exciting research project. It is also an appropriate
expression of our many years of cooperation in the spirit of
public-private partnership.”
A central element of the power-to-gas
plant is an electrolyser the size of a shipping container, which was built
by the UK firm, ITM Power. The electrolyser converts into hydrogen any
power from renewable sources such as solar panels or wind turbines that is
not immediately required. It is then mixed into the natural gas network
via a gas pressure regulation station where the waste heat of the
electrolyser is also utilised. In times of low renewable power production,
the previously stored natural gas can be siphoned off from the storage
facility and used in a co-generation plant within the RWE district heating
network in Ibbenbüren to generate power. The combined heat and power
generation system used there also leads to much better power utilisation
thanks to this new system solution. The power-to-gas plant of RWE in
Ibbenbüren has a rated power output of 150 kilowatts and creates hydrogen
under 14-bar pressure.
As part of the commissioning ceremony, the
NRW KlimaExpo initiative lauded the plant as a driving force in the battle
to combat climate change. It thus qualifies as one of the recognised
projects of the regional initiative, which is designed to harness
additional efforts to combat climate change and draw attention to the
technological and economic potential of North Rhine-Westphalia in this
field. NRW Minister of Economics Garrelt Duin and NRW KlimaExpo CEO Dr
Heinrich Dornbusch both presented the highly sought-after certificate to
RWE. “We are pleased that our power-to-gas plant has become part of the
NRW KlimaExpo initiative. The ability to decouple power generation from
the time when it is consumed is hugely important to the transformation of
our energy industry. What is being trialled here is a power storage
technology that will play a key role in our future networks. It will
improve our ability to integrate renewables within the grid and also help
combat climate change”, said Dr Heinrich Dornbusch.
Source: Sebastian Ackermann, Jonas Knoop
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