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Statoil's Troll A gas platform compressor module at the Aibel yard in
Thailand The Troll A compressor module before departure from Thailand. (Photo courtesy Aibel) |
Statoil starts up shore-powered Troll A compressors
According to ABB, electricity from shore offers numerous advantages over
offshore power generation. Around 96% of Norway’s electricity comes from
renewable sources, it claims, so Troll should be a low-carbon operation. Gas production started from Troll in 1996. At that time, power for the platform was supplied by a 20-MW AC cable provided by ABB.
Statoil said the two new giant compressors, in addition to the platform’s
two existing units, should increase gas recovery from the field by 83 bcm
(2.9 tcf). Over the past 18 months Statoil has also started up low-pressure compressors on Troll A, Kvitebjørn, Heidrun, Kristin, Åsgard and Gullfaks, the last two on the seabed. In total, these various facilities should lift the combined recovery rate from the fields by more than 1.2 Bbbl, as well as extending the life of the production installations. In Troll A’s case, compression should prolong the expected lifespan from 2045 to 2063. As the gas is produced, pressure in the reservoir drops. To recover more gas, pressure on the wellheads is reduced too, with the compressors helping the gas on its way.
Aibel built the Troll A compressor module at its yard in Thailand. The
integrated utility module was prefabricated in Poland and assembled in
Haugesund, where the smallest module was also built. The three modules
combined have a total weight of more than 6,000 metric tons (6,613 tons).
Source: Statoil -
Oil & Gas Journal Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment
Offshore Magazine For more information, media
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