Aker Solutions and Fjords Processing Form Alliance
April 13, 2015
+ + + Aker Solutions and Fjords Processing have formed an
alliance to develop technology and capabilities for advanced,
cost-effective wellstream separation and treatment solutions for the
subsea and topside oil and gas industry.
The WellSep alliance
will apply Aker Solutions' subsea processing experience and testing
facilities and Fjords' topside and onshore separation technologies to
provide complete solutions.
"This is a great
opportunity to further develop our key technologies with one of our most
important partners, Aker Solutions," said Rune Fantoft, chief executive
officer of Fjords Processing. "Developing our competence in a joint
initiative will enable us to increase our focus on produced water and
separation technology."
"The alliance will
further strengthen our wellstream separation technology portfolio, testing
and in-house capabilities," said Alan Brunnen, head of subsea at Aker
Solutions. "This brings us one step further in developing fully-fledged
subsea production and processing systems that increase oil and gas
recovery and lower costs for our customers."
Aker Solutions is a
leading provider of subsea production systems with a strong base of subsea
processing technology and competence from projects including the Åsgard
subsea compression development.
Fjords Processing,
previously known as Aker Process Systems, has in recent years strengthened
its position by acquiring the separation specialist companies Opus Maxim
Ltd and Separation Specialists Inc. Fjords Processing has fully
refurbished its classical gravity separator technologies and tested its
advanced technologies in produced water treatment and electrostatic
coalescence with good results.
The alliance will
have a dedicated team from both companies. Aker Solutions will serve the
subsea market while Fjords Processing focuses on the topside segment.
Source: Bunny
Nooryani, Anne Cecilie Lund-Andersen
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