Central European Gas Hub with new all time high trading volume in April 2012
> CEGH trading volume reached 4.24 bcm in April 2012
> new record after top volumes in February and March 2012
> launch of Trayport ETS trading system planned for July 6, 2012
07.05.2012 + + + In April 2012, the total trading volume of Central European Gas Hub reached 4.24 bcm
(47.52 TWh), a new all time high in CEGHˇ¦s history and an increase of 25% compared to
April 2011. With 3.95 bcm in February and 3.90 bcm in March the trading volume has
constantly been increasing over the last months.
The next milestone for CEGH will be taken in July, when CEGH will transfer its existing
CEGH Gas Exchange of Wiener Boerse Markets to the Trayport GlobalVision ETS Trading
SystemSM (ETS). Both markets, the CEGH Gas Exchange Spot Market (currently running on
XETRA) and the CEGH Gas Exchange Futures Market (currently running on EUREX) of Wiener
Boerse, will be migrated to ETS by July 6, 2012 (subject to authorities approval).
Furthermore, by the end of 2012, CEGH is planning to launch the CEGH Gas Exchange Within
Day market of Wiener Boerse, also utilizing the Trayport ETS system.
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Background information: Central European Gas Hub has become the most important trading
platform for natural gas in Central Europe, offering international gas trading companies
the possibility to trade at Baumgarten and other border points of the Austrian gas grid.
It runs the CEGH OTC Market and the CEGH Gas Exchange of Wiener Boerse with a Spot Market
and a Futures Market. CEGH contributes to security of supply by offering access to supply
and trading opportunities via its trading platform. CEGH, a subsidiary of OMV Gas & Power
GmbH (80%) and Wiener Borse AG (20 %) in 2011 achieved a trading volume of approx. 40
billion cubic metres (435 TWh) of natural gas, thus consolidating its position among the
leading gas hubs in continental Europe.
Roland Wolk, Central European Gas Hub AG
roland.wolk@gashub.at / www.cegh.at
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