GL Certificate for WindSafe®
Online Condition Monitoring for Wind Turbines
18.01.2012 + + + Following rigorous testing and inspection, the current version of WindSafe®, an online condition monitoring system built by DMT GmbH & Co KG, has been certified by Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GmbH.
Even in 2003, a machinery diagnostics system developed especially for wind turbines was the first online system of its type to gain AZT approval. The certificate is issued pursuant to specifications set down by the Allianz Insurance Company. That ground-breaking system had been developed by DMT, the technology and consulting company based in Essen, Germany. Since then, the concept has been accredited by all the major German insurance carriers.
Version V3 builds on these years of experience and now incorporates additional functions for monitoring and analyzing wind energy systems. These innovations, augmenting hardware performance optimization, lay the foundation for one of the most powerful monitoring systems on the market. This was ultimately the basis for GL certification and for this product’s continuing commercial success.
The GL and AZT certified WindSafe® concept permits economical and efficient online condition monitoring for wind farms. Making use of modern Web and communications technologies, both operators and maintenance personnel have a complete survey of all the system data relevant to functioning and safety. Impending damage anywhere along the drive train can thus be detected early on, avoiding unscheduled downtimes and costly subsequent damage. “As opposed to comparable systems, the DMT package registers system status impartially and, above all, independent of any given manufacturer.” That is how Joachim Kott, Key Account Manager for Wind-Related Instrumentation Technology at DMT, puts the product’s advantages in a nutshell.
Contact and further information:
DMT GmbH & Co. KG
Am Technologiepark 1
45307 Essen, Germany
Joachim Kott
Industry Systems Division
Phone: +49 201 172-1666
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About DMT
DMT GmbH & Co. KG, headquartered in Essen, Germany, is an independent engineering and consulting company, international in its activities. About six hundred employees (of whom more than seventy percent are engineers, scientists and technicians) provide services in the form of individualized consulting and assistance tailored specifically to the client’s needs. They also serve as impartial assessors. The firm’s activities focus on the fields of natural resources exploration, safety in buildings, construction and infrastructure projects, mining, cokemaking technology, product testing and measurement instrumentation in industrial settings. DMT is a member of the TÜV NORD Group.
About Industry Systems
The core competence of the Industry Systems Division is instrument-based monitoring of machinery and equipment. In addition to the highly innovative machine monitoring sector – working to achieve condition-based maintenance of machinery and equipment – DMT’s drive technology unit also operates test beds in various power classes used to engineer and inspect rotating, mechanical and hydraulic equipment.
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