Gazprom Neft receives two Arctic Shelf exploration licenses
(By OGJ editors)
Jan. 16, 2015 + + + Gazpromneft Sakhalin, a subsidiary of JSC Gazprom
Neft, has been awarded subsoil-use rights to the Severo-Zapadniy block on
the Pechora Sea shelf and the Heysovskiy block on the Barents Sea shelf. The company says it has started geological and geophysical analysis of
currently available information to construct a geological model of the
region, identify the most promising structures within these blocks, and
develop a program for further exploration and prospecting activities.
The 8,860-sq-km Severo-Zapadniy block lies in 200 m of water near
Gazprom Neft’s Dolginskoye and Prirazlomnoye fields. Russian classified D1
reserves are estimated at more than 105 million tonnes of oil and gas
condensate and 60 billion cu m of gas.
A total 11,500 km of 2D
seismic has thus far been undertaken on the block, with data obtained to a
depth of 1.17 line-km for each sq km surveyed.
The 83,600-sq-km
Heysovskiy block lies in 200-500 m of water in the northern section of the
Barents Sea, west of the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, about 1,000 km from
the mainland.
The region is characterized by extreme environmental
and climatic conditions. The northwest and northeast portions of the block
can remain ice-bound throughout the year, although in certain years the
sea does break through.
Data on the block is currently limited,
with only 8,300 km of 2D seismic having been conducted to date, with data
obtained to a depth of 0.1 line-km for each sq km surveyed.
classified D2 reserves are estimated at 140 million tonnes of oil and gas
condensate and 2 trillion cu m of gas.
Arctic experience
“The Arctic remains a strategic priority for our company,” commented
Alexander Dyukov, Gazprom Neft chief executive officer. “Thus far, Arctic
territory has remained under-researched, although we are, step by step,
progressing further every year.”
Dyukov said, “The experience we
have gained in developing these assets will allow us—safely and
effectively—to open up the natural resources hidden in the Russian
Arctic,” mentioning the company’s geological prospecting at Dolginskoye
field (OGJ Online, June 16, 2014); and the first shipment of Arctic oil
(ARCO) from Prirazlomnoye field (OGJ Online, Apr. 21, 2014), both of which
are in the Pechora Sea.
Gazpromneft Sakhalin holds the licenses to
Dolginskoye and Severo-Vrangelevskoye fields covering the East Siberian
and Chukchi seas. A fourth exploration well was drilled at Dolginskoye in
2014, allowing geophysical and hydrodynamic well testing operations to be
carried out. A prospecting program at the Vrangelevskoye field is being
Production from Prirazlomnoye started in 2013 (OGJ
Online, Apr. 26, 2013); and the field reached its one millionth barrel of
production in September 2014 (OGJ Online Sept. 15, 2014).
Development of the field has demanded the construction of Prirazlomnaya
rig, designed to withstand the harsh environment and climatic conditions
while ensuring environmental safety in oil extraction.
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