MTU: Emergency power for new 'Martin Linge' North Sea platform
July 30, 2014 + + + 'Martin Linge', the
new offshore oil and gas platform is due to go into service at the end of
2016 and will be installed in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea
between Bergen and the Shetland Isles. A total of seven Series 4000
engines from MTU are to go into service on the platform.
gensets based on 20V Series 4000 P63 engines, each delivering 2,600 kW
will provide power for essential consumers, while a 20V Series 4000 P63
emergency genset is to produce 2,245 kW. Another four 16V Series 4000 P83
engines delivering 2,240 kW are to drive fire-extinguishing pumps supplied
by a Norwegian pump manufacturer.
"We delivered the three 20V
Series 4000 P63 units plus auxiliary systems to 2H Energy – the energy
systems company that is building the gensets," said Sylvain Cloarec,
technical support manager at MTU France. "These engines have the best
power-to-weight ratio in their class, are outstandingly reliable and very
low in fuel consumption". A large number of MTU engines are already used
for similar applications in the offshore oil and gas market.
Martin Linge project is to set a precedent in sustainable power supply to
oilfields. In this case, power will be supplied by a 170-km high-voltage
subsea cable, the longest ever to be laid from the Norwegian mainland. The
aim, to be achieved in the space of 18 years, is a 2-million tonne
reduction in CO2 emissions by comparison with power generation using
conventional gas turbines. The gas extracted from the field is exported to
Great Britain via a pipeline. Oilfield operators are Total (51%), Petoro
(31%) and Statoil (19%).
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