First Tognum order of MTU gensets as part of Rolls-Royce UT-vessel design
16 MTU marine gensets with Series 4000 engines
Tognum, the specialist for propulsion and power solutions, will deliver 16 MTU marine generator sets with 12V 4000 M23S Ironmen engines for four Rolls-Royce UT 771 CDL offshore supply vessels (OSV) to be built at COSCO (Zhoushan) Shipyard Co. Ltd. in China. The gensets are part of a £26 million Rolls-Royce order to provide an integrated design, power and propulsion and equipment package. COSCO will build the OSVs for a Hong Kong owner. The four vessels are scheduled for delivery in 2014.
“We are proud to be part of this project as this is the first time MTU marine generator sets for diesel-electric propulsion are incorporated as part of an integrated power and propulsion package within a Rolls-Royce designed UT-vessel,” said Tognum Chief Sales Officer Dr. Michael Haidinger. “This order highlights the potential of our future collaboration with Rolls-Royce.”
Each generator set consists of a 1,380kW twelve-cylinder high-speed diesel engine of the proven MTU Series 4000 for workboats and a generator mounted resilient on a common base frame and an electronic control system. The gensets are designed specifically for commercial marine applications, such as offshore supply vessels for wind parks or oil and gas platforms.
In addition to MTU gensets powered by high-speed engines the latest vessels will feature an integrated Rolls-Royce equipment package including propulsion system, power electrical system, bulkhandling system, deck machinery, automation and control system as well as dynamic positioning system; which uses satellite technology to automatically maintain the vessels’ position without anchoring.
Source: Mirko Gutemann
Tognum AG -
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