MTU Onsite Energy gas generator sets
compliant with medium-voltage directive
August 21, 2014
+ + + Series 4000 gas generator sets built by MTU Onsite
Energy, a Rolls-Royce Power Systems subsidiary, have been certified as
compliant with the medium-voltage directive issued by the BDEW (Federal
Association of the Energy and Water Industry) in Germany. Operators of MTU
Onsite Energy gas gensets are therefore authorized to feed the power they
produce into the public grid. This is set out in the fourth amendment of
the ‘Technical Guideline for Generating Plants Connected to the
Medium-voltage Grid’. Moeller Operating Engineering is the responsible
certifying body and has awarded MTU Onsite Energy the certificate for its
gensets based on Series 4000 gas engines with power outputs from 750 to
2600 kilowatts. “Being armed with this certificate puts us in a very
strong position on the market for gas gensets,” explained Jörg Mielke,
head of sales in Germany at MTU Onsite Energy. To satisfy the new
technical requirements, extensive modifications were needed to the design
of the gensets as well as to their protection and control technology.
In the last few years,
distributed power generation has expanded significantly following
Germany's Renewable Energy Act, and the Combined Heat and Power Act.
Public utility companies, industry and agriculture are increasingly opting
for power generation on site. As a result, the number of big power
stations on the public grid that provide the system services needed for
grid stability is continually decreasing. Above all, energy from sources
such as wind and photovoltaics that is difficult to regulate and sometimes
generated at a long distance from consumers is making network stability a
particular problem for grid operators. The certificates which have been
awarded to MTU Onsite Energy confirm that its CHP and biogas plants will
contribute in future to the system services needed for the public grid.
That includes static grid support by, for example, the supply of reactive
power or automatic reduction of output in the event of grid frequency
increases. Dynamic grid support is also provided in the form of fault
ride-through with contribution of the corresponding short-circuit
currents. This is the way in which CHP plants and biogas plants from MTU
Onsite Energy will be helping to secure the future success of the energy
Source: Mirko Gutemann - Rolls-Royce Power
Systems AG
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