OVERDICK designed HVDC Platform HELWIN Alpha
OVERDICK engineered MANSLAGT Z 1 Platform removal
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Successful installation of the latest of our line of self-installing
HelWin Alpha is the seventh of platforms designed following OVERDICK’s MOAB®
The HelWin Alpha topsides has been designed with a watertight hull which allows it to be fabricated in a drydock and wet towed to the site without the need of a transport
barge. The platform has been positioned over the foundation piles and after stabbing the legs on the piles though the LMUs the platform was elevated to its design clearance of 22 meters above sea level by means of a temporary hydraulic jacking system. With its record setting topsides weight of over 12,000 tonnes the structure is beyond the lifting capabilities of offshore
cranes. The capacity of the jacking system was scaled to meet the lifting safety and operational requirements and thus allowed installation of the complete topsides in one
operation, eliminating the need for multiple expensive offshore lifts and minimizing the requirements for offshore hook-up and
commissioning. The platform was mechanically completed and pre-commissioned at the
The platform stands in 23 meters of water about 16 nautical miles North-North-West of the island of Helgoland in the German Bight of the
North-Sea. Here it will provide the tie-in to the electric power grid for the offshore wind parks Nordsee-Ost and Meerwind by transmitting 576 Megawatts of clean
With three more HVDC hubs of even greater dimensions at various stages of design, fabrication and installation on the way, the Overdick MOAB® concept marks the way forward for effective realization of heavy weight topsides as required by the offshore wind
MOAB® MOBILE OFFSHORE APPLICATION BARGE :: With its seven installations, the MOAB® platform concept from OVERDICK is probably the most successful self-installing platform concept in the
market. As a process extension, compression, integrated wellhead, accommodation and
production, offshore wind farm substation and HVDC hub, the concept has demonstrated its flexibility and soundness and has become THE proven technology.
FLEXIBLE IN THE TENDERING :: MOAB® have been built in repair yards,
shipyards, offshore yards and one was built on a parking lot by a steel
fabricator. This flexibility gives the client a wider range of possible fabrication contractors in order to realize a competitive tendering
phase. The installation of a MOAB® it is ideally managed through a multi-contracting approach with OVERDICK as project manager or at least as consultant to the
client. In this way the most cost effective projects have been realized. Here
too, this approach offers the highest flexibility to the client.
VERSATILE :: Topside Equipment (pay-load) from 400 to 7,000 tons possible. Operating water
depth, depending on the region is up to 80m.
ROBUST :: The barge like structure offers a great redundancy and high stiffness and low structural weight compared to a space frame
topside. The substructure is designed to support earthquake, full boat impact and survive the 10,000 years wave
TIME SCHEDULE FRIENDLY :: The procurement and fabrication of the structure can be started very early in the
project, even before the topside engineering is complete. Very simple interface between the disciplines is
possible. The schedule is not sequestered by a big heavy lift asset with its own strict time.
LOW COSTS :: Following the right contracting strategy, the overall costs and the installation costs can be significantly reduced compared with a conventional unit of similar
ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY :: Instead of conventional pile-driving technology, suction cans can be used as
foundation. This method reduces noise pollution and frees the installation from environmental noise
constrains. The platform can be completely and safely removed after its lifetime-cycle by reversing the installation thus not leaving anything in the
For more facts and pictures please visit the following websites: OVERDICK Helwin alpha
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The OVERDICK engineered MANSLAGT Z 1 Platform removal has been successfully completed
The MANSLAGT Z1 Platform has been successfully removed from estuary mouth of the river Ems. Within the second project stage the topsides and the jacket have been decommissioned in two steps. The lifting, transport on the hook to shore and set-down on the quay of disposal yard have been performed by sheer-leg Barge “MATADOR 3”. Structural, in-place and rigging analyses for the platform as well as hydrostatic and mooring calculations for the crane barge have been conducted by Overdick.
The Manslagt Gas Production Platform was built in 1993. After platform shut down in 2009 the platform removal was decided in 2012.
The location of the platform in ecological protective area required special solutions for environmental
protection. Please find pictures and more facts at our
website: OVERDICK Projects – Manslagt Z1 removal
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Take a look at a wide range of OVERDICK projects: www.overdick.com
Source: Marie-Ann Glindemann,
Andreas Rosponi Overdick GmbH & Co. KG www.overdick.com
September 3, 2013
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