Siemens awarded process gas chromatography agreement by Shell
In the next five years,the Siemens Industry Automation Division will be delivering gas chromatographs to Shell. This is the subject of an Enterprise Framework Agreement signed by both enterprises. Shell and the Siemens Industry Automation Division have concluded a single source supply contract in the field of gas chromatography. The term of the Enterprise Framework Agreement is five years.
Over the full term of the agreement, gas chromatographs for Shell will be supplied together with related systems such as analysis cabinets and shelters. The agreement also covers associated services such as front-end engineering and after-sales service.
The global agreement covers Shell companies and Shell subsidiaries and joint ventures across the globe. With this enterprise framework agreement, Siemens is extending its leading position in the field of industrial gas analyzers. Siemens Industry Automation supplies control products and systems for the process industry. Particular importance is attached here to measurement technology for recording process variables such as pressure, temperature and gas composition. Gas chromatography is the most complex of the processes used for gas analysis. It is used to improve product quality and increase the yield and energy efficiency of processes.
Siemens Industry Automation
Shell Global Solutions
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