Siemens strengthens water capabilities in the Oil & Gas Industry
Effective April 1, 2012, Siemens Industry, Inc. has transferred the Water Solutions Oil & Gas business to Siemens' Energy Sector, Oil & Gas Division, Integrated System Solutions (ISS). Under the Energy Sector's leadership, the former Water Technologies Oil & Gas group will have significantly added capacity to address customer needs in the Oil & Gas market, including enhanced access to customers, increased execution capabilities and an expanded international footprint.
The Siemens scope of supply encompasses a skimmer pre-deoiler, two hydrocyclones and a floatation unit.
The Water Solutions group will be joining more than 3000 professionals in over 35 countries. As water treatment becomes increasingly important with respect to sustainability and environmental awareness, the addition of the Water Solutions group to the Energy portfolio will allow Siemens to provide an expanded solutions approach and enhanced value proposition to the market.
"The Oil & Gas business is growing within Siemens' Energy Sector and is expected to keep pace with global energy demand," said Are Dahl, Head of the Integrated System Solutions business segment in the Oil & Gas Division of Siemens Energy. "The transfer of the Water Solutions Oil & Gas business to the Energy Sector will help us strengthen, and expand our offering in this important part of the market."
The Water Solutions Oil & Gas portfolio is made up of water treatment technologies, total water treatment solutions and water treatment services, including produced water treatment and water/steam injection for oil and gas production, as well as boiler feed water treatment, wastewater treatment and water reuse for the downstream petroleum industry.
Core Siemens Water Technologies activities in the municipal and other industrial vertical markets outside of Oil & Gas will remain within the Industry Sector and will continue to provide products, systems, solutions and services to all Siemens sectors and markets as
Source: Siemens AG, Energy
Sector, Oil & Gas Division
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