E.ON expands renewables capacity in Poland with 55MW onshore farm
22.03.2012 + + + E.ON is stepping up its activities in the Polish wind sector after giving the green light for the construction of both phases of Wysoka onshore wind farm. The EUR 80 million-project is E.ON’s largest wind farm in Poland, and will be built about 100 km south of Szczecin, near the German border.
After commissioning in late 2013, the 22 Nordex wind turbines, each with a capacity 2.5MW, are expected to generate over 125 GWh of electricity annually, enough power to supply roughly 40,000 homes. In the process, around 120,000 tonnes of CO2 emis-sions could be avoided.
Rüdiger Rittner, who is responsible at E.ON Climate & Renewables for development activities in Poland, said: "At Wysoka we are expanding our wind operations in Po-land. Back in 2010 we commissioned Wielkopolska, one of the country’s largest wind farms. Now we are continuing our planned growth in Poland with the construction of Wysoka."
The wind farm has two sites (Wysoka 1 und 2). Construction has already started at Wysoka 1; the first turbines are to come on stream by the end of the year.
Poland is a strategically important market for E.ON. Currently E.ON has four onshore wind farms with an installed capacity of almost 100 MW as well as project pipeline of over 1,000 MW. The construction of the Wysoka wind farm enhances E.ON position as one of the leading players on the Polish wind energy market.
Poland has considerable wind energy potential and at present an attractive system encouraging investment in wind power. Since 2005 the wind power capacity installed in the country has increased twentyfold from around 80 MW to about 1,600 MW. The aim is to generate up to 13 GW from wind by 2020.
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