HANSA HEAVY LIFT plans to move to Hamburg
05.08.2011 + + + In the course of its ongoing corporate
development, HANSA HEAVY LIFT, one of the largest maritime shipping companies for heavy-lift and project transports, conducted a thorough assessment of possible business locations. Consistent with this evaluation, HANSA HEAVY LIFT will weight its anchor and steer towards Hamburg at the beginning of 2012. The many good reasons substantiating this decision to move outweigh those arguments for remaining in Bremen.
Hamburg is Germany's leading shipping community and offers the ideal conditions for further recruitment of personnel. Additionally, the internationally well-connected airport in Hamburg, the Hanseatic City along the Elbe, guarantees the best accessibility for our customers and fulfills the prerequisite for optimally expanding and cultivating our business contacts. Furthermore, the new office is excellently located and directly linked to Hamburg's main railway station. This advantage benefits not only our customers - it also allows our employees from Bremen to comfortably reach their new place of work, thus accentuating the attractiveness of HANSA HEAVY LIFT as an employer.
Ultimatively, the move to Hamburg represents a further step in the fight direction and accordingly towards a succesful
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