Breaking the limits of solar inspection with 3D:
New three-dimensional inspection technology uncovers heretofore invisible defects
20.09.2011 + + + Up until now, even the most efficient inspections for solar cells have been two-dimensional and have left some extremely relevent defects undetected. ISRA SOLAR VISION now offers, with its 3D technology, an optimum add-on solution for surface inspection and geometrical gauging at the printing process stage. In addition to the existing first-class inspection and measuring functions of the SOLARSCAN-FrontPrint and SOLARSCAN-RearPrint systems, the new 3D option allows the reliable detection of splinters and other height relevant structural defects. Cell manufacturers benefit directly from implementation of the new inspection technology through significantly higher machine uptimes and reduced cell breakage. In total, this enables an increase of high-quality yield and the reduction of manufacturing costs: 100 percent top-level solar inspection – the key to success.
ISRA, a globally leading supplier of 3D machine vision solutions, makes its technology, being proven in numerous industry sectors, now available for top-level solar detection. Thanks to 3D technology combined with sophisticated algorithms, a new dimension in monitoring quality can be achieved that has so far remained unknown. In addition to the two-dimensional surface images, 3D inspection provides important additional information to structure and topography. The result for print inspection: a reliable, advanced detection and classification of height related defects such as splinters or particles, which have been invisible until now! And – as an additional benefit – a significant increase of measurement accuracy, such as for wafer bow gauging.
These new features, in combination with the existing inspection functions, allow for highest production quality and a secure print process. The SOLARSCAN systems with 3D option support the latest production technologies such as Metal Wrap Through (MWT). As a result, cell manufacturers no longer have to fear the increasing risk of cell breakage. Thanks to the additional 3D inspection channel, even silicon nitride (SiN) splinters on SiN and under Aluminum (Al) compound can be detected and wafers that could break and therefore cause damage in the following manufacturing processes are sorted out.
Breaking the limits of solar inspection with state-of-the-art 3D technology
Cell manufacturers benefit from the 3D inspection that can be implemented to SOLARSCAN-FrontPrint and SOLARSCAN-RearPrint systems in order to increase quality and yield. The return on investment on the single systems is under 4 months. This is due to fast installation / commissioning and immediately thereafter, recognition of all relevant defects. The added 3D information enables an optimum of quality evaluation – perfection in production through top-level 3D inspection.

Breaking limits with 3D - for highest quality of silicon solar cells: Reliable in-line inspection for critical topographic defects such as splinters, and – as an additional benefit – a significant increase of measurement accuracy, such as for wafer bow
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