Early pile hammer contract secures Gwynt y Môr delivery schedule
MENCK MHU hammer with large pile adapation
16.11.2010 + + + RWE Innogy, through its UK subsidiary RWE npower renewables, has awarded a key
contract to ensure construction of one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms, Gwynt y Môr remains on schedule. The multi-million Euro contract is with German
company MENCK GmbH, to construct and lease a purpose-built piling hammer, essential to the installation of the 160 wind
turbine foundations at Gwynt y Môr Offshore Wind Farm, off the North Wales
At 576MW, Gwynt y Môr will be one of the largest offshore wind farms currently in construction, and is being built by RWE
npower renewables. The project is a shared investment between partners RWE Innogy, Stadtwerke Munchen and Siemens(2). Once
fully operational, energy generation from Gwynt y Môr is expected to be equivalent to the average annual needs of around
400,000 homes.
Welcoming the new contract, RWE npower renewables’ Gwynt y Môr project director Toby Edmonds said today: “The piling hammer
is a very specialised piece of equipment and there are only a few companies able to supply it so we are delighted to be
working with Menck . The contract secures this important tool to drive the foundations for the wind turbines into the sea bed
which is vital to keep the project on schedule.” MENCK’s Senior Sales Manager for Wind Martin Ros added: “The signing of this
contract continues MENCK’s vision, not only to be a sub-supplier but a strategic partner with our customers.”
The contract also includes the provision of site services and the ability to use noise mitigation systems if the work is
louder than expected. Menck will also provide key spare parts to further guard against risk during construction.
MENCK will further provide dedicated service technicians throughout the duration of the project to run, maintain and support
the kit offshore. Construction of the €2billion Gwynt y Môr project began in November 2009 when work to prepare land at St
Asaph for the construction of a new 132/400kV substation was carried out by North Wales civil engineering company Jones
Bros. Turbine foundation installation is expected to start in the fourth quarter of 2011, and is expected to last for approximately
two years.
For more information please visit
...Jeremy Tygielski ... jeremy.tygielski@MENCK.com
... Mark Fleming ... mark.fleming@rwe.com
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