Northwind NV and Vestas Offshore Agreement for turbine supply to the Northwind Offshore Wind Farm
13.01.2012 + +
+ Today Northwind NV announces that a conditional contract has been signed with Vestas Offshore for the supply of 72 V112-3.0MW turbines for the Northwind Offshore Wind Farm planned for construction on the Bank Zonder Naam off the coast of Zeebrugge in Belgium.
The contract, which is still subject to financial close, comprises supply and installation of the 72 turbines along with a 15 year service contract and construction of the wind farm is expected to begin in 2013.
Northwind NV, owned by Colruyt Group and Aspiravi Offshore, is headed by Frank Coenen, CEO, who was also involved in the very successful construction of the Belwind Bligh Bank 1 Offshore Wind Farm, for which Vestas also supplied the turbines. Frank Coenen sees today’s new agreement with Vestas as a natural next step in the collaboration and partnership between the two companies.
“We have had a very fruitful relationship with Vestas over the years and we fully recognize their experience in the field of offshore wind. I am therefore very pleased to now be taking our partnership to the next level by having a signed agreement in place with Vestas for the Northwind Offshore Wind Farm. I hope to be taking the many lessons learned from the Bligh Bank project and actively putting these to good use when constructing this new offshore wind farm together”, states Coenen. “I believe the V112-3.0MW to be a very competitive turbine, so I am looking forward to seeing it perform at Northwind”.
About Northwind NV
Northwind’s mission is to develop, construct and run a wind farm on the Bank zonder Naam in the North Sea. The company (former name Eldepasco) was established in December 2007 and received a concession from the Federal Belgian Authorities, as well as all offshore permits and grid connection. The Colruyt Group ( increased its share to 66.7% and green energy company Aspiravi Offshore ( now holds 33,3%.
Source: Northwind
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