Windreich AG: Important Milestone for the success of the German Energy Transition
Converter platform “DolWin alpha” for the Windreich wind farm MEG 1 successfully installed in the German North Sea
The converter platform for the electricity transport of the Windreich offshore wind farm MEG 1 was successfully installed. “With the construction of the converter platform ‘DolWin alpha’, located 13 km southeast of the Windreich wind farm MEG 1, we have taken a big step forward towards the planned construction of the wind farm,” says Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Willi Balz, founder and sole shareholder of Windreich.
Due to an early fulfilment of the grid connection criteria of the Federal Network Agency, we could apply for the grid connection on 02.11.2010 and have received the approval for an unconditional grid connection already on 23.05.2011
My gratitude goes to TenneT for its professional work. TenneT and Windreich are the two largest investors in the German North Sea. Both companies have pushed investments of about 5 billion euros each.
TenneT’s 800 MW converter platform “DolWin alpha” is 42 m wide, 62 m long and 42 m high. It will convert the energy from 3 wind farms in the North Sea to 220 kV DC, which can be transported under extremely low loss over a distance of 75 km by submarine cables and another 90 km by a land cable system towards the Ruhr region.
The crane ship “Thialf” built the 9000 t platform. With 185 metres above sea level, an own helipad, two huge crane booms and 750- man-crew is the world’s largest special ship for offshore works.
BorWin 1 will carry the power of the wind farms Borkum West II (200 MW) and MEG 1 (400 MW). The project MEG 1 with 80 x 5 MW wind turbines of type AREVA M5000 is fully owned by Windreich GmbH.
MEG will set new market standards in all areas for example with the turnkey construction contract, which was concluded by a consortium of AREVA wind turbines and HOCHTIEF Solutions. This unique Treaty frees the investor from specific offshore risks, thus making it possible to involve possible investors in the billion-dollar offshore energy market at an early stage. The North Sea power station will be completed in 2015.
The 400 MW wind farm Global Tech I, also initiated by Windreich is the first offshore wind farm right on schedule. It is built in a construction time of less than two years. About half of the 80 tripod foundations are already successfully installed. The completion, which is due in 2014, will leverage the German offshore industry. The Federal Government aims to have 10,000 MW by 2020 on the grid. Windreich will contribute at least 3,500.
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About TenneT
The company is the first cross-border grid operator for electricity in Europe. With approximately 20,000 kilometers of high and extra- high voltage power lines, 36 million end users in the Netherlands and Germany, TenneT belongs to the top 5 of the network operators in Europe. The main focus is on the development of a north-west European energy market and to integrate renewable energy. TenneT has already commissioned grid connections for 5,500 megawatts of wind energy from the North Sea. Hereby, the company is investing about six billion euros, making it the largest investor in the German energy transition. Taking power further.
About Windreich GmbH
Founded in 1999 by Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Willi Balz, the Windreich Group, based in Wolfschlugen and Hamburg, has company holdings in the area of on and offshore wind energy. It plans, builds, finances, operates, and markets wind turbines – both on and offshore. Windreich GmbH is one of the most successful wind energy companies in Germany with more than 1,000 financed, built or managed wind turbines.
Windreich GmbH is the only on going project planner with three timely and running offshore wind farms: Global Tech I is already under construction and the North Sea wind farms Deutsche Bucht and MEG 1 are about to reach the financial close. Three of the five grid connection confirmations of TenneT are at the disposal of Windreich GmbH.
Base load capacity is guaranteed through the constant North Sea winds, thus no costly storage technologies are necessary. The goal of the German Federal Government is to install approximately 10,000 MW offshore wind turbines by 2020. Windreich GmbH with its 3,500 MW will make a great contribution after realization of the present projects. This implies that Windreich is making a sustained contribution to the energy transition more than any other
Source: Windreich AG August 26, 2013
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